Today’s world unfolds many unforeseen challenges and opportunities for the prospective citizen hence traditional classroom teaching does not prepare the students to face these challenges. The student must endeavor and be involved into active and creative learning to better understand complicated issues and topics.
Project based learning engages students in learning by arousing their interest and motivation. It is an instructional approach focusing on the world outside classroom. It is a systematic learning technique focusing on improving knowledge and capabilities through structured projects and tasks. Project goes over a period of time and often attempts to address a specific problem. Project also facilitates authentic evaluation from teacher’s perspective because students are explicitly involved doing the assignment.
A well designed and implemented project aims at improving skill set of the students by provoking them to study the fundamental concepts and functioning of a particular discipline. A group of students work on single project at a time so project based learning encourages collaboration and co-operation among students. It enables the student to understand what they are doing, why it is significant, how the results will be assessed. Learner centered approach of a project successfully fetches active engagement of students.
Project based learning for school kid |
The differential approach of the project learning requires the students to devise a new project and go deeper into the selected project via research and analysis. For e.g. If the student wants to take project in science then he can create a model of concept on either chemicals or insect, draw a diagram, label each part, show how it functions…etc. Students can add various multi-sensory inputs including visual and audio inputs to make the project live. Visual inputs are able to process the information faster and being saved in memory for a longer time.
Projects enable the students to stretch their academic and intellectual limits because they spend most of their time in developing a new model or examining an existing model. Teacher’s guidance and substantial contribution in the project help the students to create a project in which they learn and can essentially practice. Project learning is necessarily a combination of :
1. Self education
2. Brain storming
3. Innovation and Imagination
4. Group working
5. Obtaining Feedback.
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