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How does one feel being a witness to violence especially when it raises a concern of the safety of public in general? It is surely bad when being a helpless witness to all of it, even though securing a job in the public safety orbit may take away that feel of being helpless. Public safety is undoubtedly a field which offers both rewards and excitements of doing something for the betterment of the society. A degree in public safety, be it a master’s or a bachelor’s and even an associate’s, will entitle one to be a part of the responsive team acting at the time of a disaster, be it natural or manmade, thus bringing in immense job satisfaction. And it is no rocket science, but mostly an intention to do something different than the average and leave an impression on the society.

Managing crisis, handling a disaster, hazardous material detection and disposal, or even being responsive to an emergency situation—all are part of a day’s activities for a public safety professional and it may be with private enterprise,organizations and also with the federal agencies. The public safety personnelneed to be good at decision-making, often taking decisions within fractions of a second and also excellent incrowdmanagementduring a chaos. If you think that all these really excite you, then why not trying a career in public safety, with the opportunities of doing a specialization on one of the several majors including disaster management, crime control or material management.

Even the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports reveal that continued demand for public safety will lead to new openings for officers in various agencies and establishments.However, both state and federal jobs may be more competitive, it says addingthey often offer high pay and more opportunities for both promotions and inter-agency transfers.

Bilingual applicants with a bachelor’s degree and law enforcement or military experience, especially investigative experience, should have the best opportunities in federal agencies, sums up the Bureau in its one of the recent reports which ideally can fetch some words of excitement for the aspiring ones.

So better fasten your seat belt and get ready to protect your neighborhood even as you are armed with a strong intention to make a career in public safety, a sector where demand for qualified and skilled manpower will not see decline easily even during the days of economic downturn.


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